Yes, it is possible to see the message you sent with a LinkedIn connection request. When you send a connection request on LinkedIn, you have the option to include a note that the recipient will see. To view the messages you have sent with connection requests, follow these steps:
Viewing messages sent with pending connection requests
For connection requests that are still pending (the recipient hasn’t accepted or rejected yet):
- Go to your LinkedIn homepage and click “My Network” at the top of the page.
- On the “Manage my network” page, click “Invitations sent” on the right side.
- This will show you a list of all the pending invitations you’ve sent. Click on any invitation to view the message you included with that request.
The message will be displayed at the bottom of the page under “Note to recipient.” This allows you to see the exact text of the message you sent with that connection request.
Viewing messages sent with accepted connection requests
For connection requests that have already been accepted:
- Go to your homepage and click “My Network.”
- Click “Connections” on the right side.
- This will show a list of all your current connections. Click on any connection to go to their profile.
- In the “About” section on their profile page, click “See connection details.”
- This will show details on when you connected with this person. Click “View invite note” to see the message you originally sent with your connection request.
Again, this will display the full text of the note you sent when requesting the connection. This works for accepted requests as well as rejected requests.
Viewing messages sent with rejected connection requests
If the recipient rejects your connection request, you can still view the message you sent:
- Go to your homepage and click “My Network.”
- Click “Invitations sent.”
- Click the dropdown arrow next to “Past.”
- Click “View archived invitations.”
This will display a list of your rejected requests. Click any request and scroll down to “Note to recipient” to see the message you originally included.
How long are connection request messages stored?
LinkedIn stores the messages you send with connection requests indefinitely. So even years later, you can still go back and view the texts of invitation notes you have sent in the past.
This applies whether the request was accepted, rejected, or is still pending. As long as you have an active LinkedIn account, you will have access to all the connection request messages you have previously sent.
Tips for writing connection request messages
When sending a connection request, the message you include can make a difference in whether the recipient accepts it. Here are some tips for writing effective connection notes:
- Personalize the message with the person’s name and how you know them.
- Remind them where you met or worked together.
- Be clear on why you want to connect.
- Keep it brief – a couple of sentences at most.
- Use a warm and friendly tone.
- Avoid asking for favors or endorsements.
- Proofread for typos before sending.
Sending a thoughtful note establishes your professionalism and shows you took the time to reach out. This can increase your chances of connecting with that person.
Changing messages in pending requests
If you have a pending invitation where you want to modify the message:
- Go to “Invitations sent” under “Manage my network.”
- Click the dropdown arrow next to the pending request.
- Select “Edit note.”
- This will open the message, allowing you to change the text before resending it.
Once a connection has been accepted, you can no longer edit the message sent with the original request. But for pending requests, you can revise the note until the recipient accepts or rejects it.
Canceling a connection request
You can also cancel pending requests if you change your mind or no longer want to connect with that person:
- Go to “Manage my network” and click “Invitations sent.”
- Click the dropdown arrow next to the pending request.
- Select “Cancel invitation.”
- Confirm you want to cancel the request.
This will withdraw your invitation so the recipient will no longer see it. Canceled requests can still be viewed in your “Archived invitations” for reference.
Limits on connection requests
To maintain quality, LinkedIn limits the number of connection requests you can send:
- LinkedIn members are allowed a maximum of 300 pending connection requests at any time.
- If you have 300 requests pending, you must wait for some to be accepted or rejected before sending more.
- Free accounts can send a maximum of 30 invitations per day.
- Paid Premium accounts have a daily limit of 90 connection requests.
These limits prevent spam and encourage meaningful connection requests when expanding your network.
Why messages are beneficial
Including a personalized note with your connection requests has several benefits:
- Notes establish you are a real person genuinely interested in connecting.
- They provide context and remind the recipient who you are.
- They demonstrate you are selective in who you add to your network.
- They give the recipient more incentive to accept your request.
- They allow you to stand out from people who send generic invites.
Overall, taking the extra minute to add a message signals professional courtesy and improves your acceptance rate when connecting.
So in summary, LinkedIn does allow you to view the messages sent with your connection requests. This allows you to follow up appropriately and refine your outreach approach over time. Sending thoughtful notes remains an impactful way to grow your network on LinkedIn.