Quick Answer
Yes, it is possible to write articles directly in the LinkedIn mobile app. The LinkedIn mobile app has a built-in article editor that allows you to create new articles or edit existing articles.
Creating New Articles
To write a new article in the LinkedIn mobile app, follow these steps:
1. Open the LinkedIn mobile app on your phone.
2. Tap on the “Write an article” button on the home screen. This will open up the article editor.
3. Enter a title and subtitle for your article.
4. Start writing the body of your article in the text editor. You can format the text, add links, embed images and videos, etc.
5. When done, tap the “Publish” button. You can choose to publish the article publicly, or privately to select individuals.
The LinkedIn article editor provides all the basic formatting options including adding headers, lists, hyperlinks, etc. You can write the full article on your phone using the mobile app.
Editing Existing Articles
You can also edit articles that you have already published from the LinkedIn mobile app. To do this:
1. Go to your profile page and tap on “View Profile”.
2. Scroll down to see the articles you have published.
3. Tap on the article you want to edit.
4. This will open up the article editor with the existing content.
5. Make the changes and updates to the article.
6. When done, tap on “Save” or “Update”.
This will overwrite the existing published article with your updated changes.
So the LinkedIn mobile app provides full capabilities for authoring new articles as well as editing previously published articles on the fly. No need to switch to the desktop to write or update your articles!
Article Length Limit
LinkedIn articles have a maximum length limit of 100,000 characters which translates to around 15,000 – 20,000 words. So you have plenty of room to write longform indepth articles.
However, for optimal readbility, it’s best to keep articles between 1600 – 2500 words. Anything longer than 3000 words may be too much for readers on mobile.
Some tips for writing super long articles within the LinkedIn length limits:
– Break up the content with relevant subheadings using H2 and H3 HTML tags
– Include numbered or bulleted lists where applicable
– Use short 1-3 sentence paragraphs focused on one point
– Embed relevant charts, infographics, or images to visualize data
– Split into multiple sections using horizontal divider line
– Include table of contents or index for navigation in very long posts
So feel free to leverage the 100,000 character limit and create truly comprehensive guides, reports, or analyses within your LinkedIn articles. Just be mindful of readability.
LinkedIn Article Formatting Options
The LinkedIn article editor provides the following formatting options:
Text Formatting
– Bold
– Italics
– Strike-through
– Underline
– Text color
– Font size
– Clear formatting
– Left align
– Center align
– Right align
– Justify
– Bulleted lists
– Numbered lists
– Heading 1
– Heading 2
– Heading 3
– Insert hyperlinks
– Remove links
– Insert image from web or computer
– Resize image
– Position image left or right
– Insert YouTube, Vimeo, Loom videos
Advanced Formatting
– HTML view to insert custom code
– Embed Tweets
– Embed Slideshare presentations
– Insert horizontal divider line
– Insert page break
– Insert table of contents (for very long articles)
So you have quite a lot of formatting flexibility to make your articles visually engaging and appealing.
Tips for Writing Great LinkedIn Articles
Here are some tips to create compelling articles on LinkedIn that get High views and engagement:
Choose Topics strategically
– Write about topics your target audience cares about
– Leverage trending news hooks and tie back to your expertise
– Share career tips and insider advice for professionals in your industry
– Educate about industry trends, challenges and technologies
Craft Attention-Grabbing Headlines
– Use emotional triggers like “HOW TO” or “Guide”
– Promise specific benefits like improve, achieve, build, etc
– Ask thought-provoking questions
– Use numbers or stats that convey value
– Keep headlines short and scannable
Hook Readers in the First Paragraph
– Start with a fascinating fact, stat or question to pull readers in quickly
– Share a specific story, example or use case that connects with the audience
– Outline the structure of the article so readers know what to expect
Include Relevant Data and Visuals
– Data like stats, facts, surveys build credibility
– Charts, graphs, images make the article more visually engaging
– Flowcharts, diagrams illustrate complex topics clearly
– Screenshots, mockups show real applications
Break up Long Blocks of Text
– Short 1-3 sentence paragraphs are easier to digest
– Use subheadings, bullet points and numbered lists to organize
– Embed related media like videos, slides, graphics
– Pull key points into pull quotes
Link Out to References
– Cite data sources, articles, research for credibility
– Link out to related content to reinforce key points
– Enable readers to dive deeper into topics of interest
Wrap-up with Strong Conclusion
– Summarize key takeaways
– Provide recommendations based on learnings
– Issue a call-to-action to apply the knowledge
– Circle back to opening hook or story
Using the built-in editor in the LinkedIn mobile app combined with these best practices will enable you to create engaging articles that get readership.
Promoting Your LinkedIn Articles
Here are some tips to maximize reach when you publish your articles on LinkedIn:
Catchy Headline
As mentioned above, craft headlines using emotional triggers, benefits and curiosity to get clicks
Appealing Thumbnail Image
Choose a relevant, eye-catching image that represents your article for the thumbnail. This will improve click-through rate. Stock photos of people work well.
Share on LinkedIn
Post the article link when you publish it using the LinkedIn Share button. Also share it a few more times on relevant industry newsfeeds on LinkedIn.
Share on Other Social Networks
Cross-promote your articles on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and other platforms. Paste the intro paragraph and article link.
Send Direct Links via Email/Messenger
Email or message the article link directly to connections who would find it interesting. Ask them to Like and share as well.
LinkedIn Groups
Share your article link in relevant LinkedIn Groups related to the topic and industry. Groups expand your reach.
Using these promotion tactics can help get your articles in front of many more readers. The more engagement your articles get, the more LinkedIn’s algorithm will show them to new audiences.
Pros of Writing LinkedIn Articles on Mobile
Here are some of the benefits of authoring LinkedIn articles directly from the mobile app:
You can write an article any time inspiration strikes, without needing to be at your computer. Easy to do on the go.
The mobile interface makes it fast and easy to enter and format article content. No need to log in to other systems.
User Friendly
The LinkedIn mobile editor is intuitive with convenient touch optimized formatting options.
Media Integration
You can easily embed images and video directly from your mobile device’s media library.
It’s simple to save articles as drafts and continue editing them later. You don’t lose your work in progress.
On mobile you can instantly view article analytics like readership, shares, comments right after publishing.
So the convenience and seamless experience of mobile makes writing LinkedIn articles easier than ever.
Cons of Writing LinkedIn Articles on Mobile
However, there are a few limitations to be aware of:
Small Screen
It can be harder to structure and organize longform articles on the smaller mobile screen real estate. Lots of scrolling required.
Difficulty Formatting
Advanced formatting like embedding slides or tables may be tough on mobile. Easier to do from a laptop or desktop.
Lack of Access to Tools
No access to writing or grammar tools that may be helpful. For example, Grammarly, Hemingway App, TextExpander etc.
Typing Difficulties
Typing a 5000+ word article on mobile can be painful and result in more errors. Autocorrect can cause issues too.
Limited Browser Tabs
Harder to research the web and reference multiple browser tabs for sources when writing articles on mobile.
So for shorter articles targeting mobile readership, the LinkedIn mobile app provides a great experience. But complex longform articles may be easier composed on desktop.
In summary, the LinkedIn mobile app has a built-in editor that allows you to fully create, format and publish new articles as well as edit existing articles on the go. The editor provides text formatting, headings, lists, hyperlinks, images, videos and more.
Writing articles directly in the LinkedIn mobile app can be convenient, fast and user friendly. However, longer complex articles may be easier to research and organize from a desktop.
To maximize your article reach, craft strong headlines, promote on social networks, send direct links and leverage LinkedIn Groups. With the right strategy, the LinkedIn mobile app empowers you to effectively publish engaging articles for your audience anytime, anywhere.