Yes, it is possible to sort your LinkedIn feed and search results by most recent. LinkedIn allows you to customize your feed and search settings so you can view the newest content at the top. There are a few different ways to sort by recent activity on LinkedIn.
Sorting Your LinkedIn Feed by Recent
Your LinkedIn feed displays updates from your connections, companies you follow, and other content relevant to you. By default, your feed is sorted with the most relevant content at the top, using LinkedIn’s algorithm. Here are steps to sort your homepage feed by recent updates:
- Go to the LinkedIn homepage and click the “Me” icon in the top right.
- In the dropdown menu, click “Manage my network.”
- On the Manage my network page, click “Filters” on the right side.
- Under “Sort by,” select “Recent updates.”
Now when you return to your homepage, you will see posts sorted chronologically with newest at the top. You can adjust the filters again at any time to revert back to the default relevance-based sorting.
Sorting Your LinkedIn Search Results by Recent
In addition to your feed, you can also sort LinkedIn search results to view the most recent content first. For example, if you search for a company or person, the results are sorted by LinkedIn’s relevance algorithm by default. Here is how to view new profiles first in your search results:
- Type a search query into the search bar at the top of LinkedIn.
- After results pop up, click the filter icon at the top right of the results.
- Select the option to “Sort by most recent.”
The search results will rearrange to show the newest profiles, posts, or content first. You can toggle the sort to revert back at any time. This works for search results across LinkedIn, including content, people, jobs, companies, and groups.
Sorting by Latest Activity on Company Pages
When you visit a Company page on LinkedIn, you can also view the latest updates from that page by adjusting the filters:
- Go to the Company page you want to view.
- Click the filter dropdown at the top right of the Company page.
- Select the option to “Sort by latest.”
This will display the most recent posts and updates from that Company page at the top. It’s a great way to see the newest content, job listings, products, or news from the company.
Sorting by Latest Group Activity
Within LinkedIn Groups, you have the option to sort discussions and posts by latest activity as well:
- Navigate to the Group page you want to view.
- Click the filter dropdown at the top right of the Group discussions.
- Choose the option to “Sort by latest.”
The Group discussions and posts will rearrange chronologically showing the most recent conversations at the top. This lets you easily view new discussions and replies within your Groups.
Sorting Your Notifications by Latest
You can also filter your notifications tab specifically to show the latest notifications received:
- Click the notifications icon at the top right of LinkedIn.
- Click the filter icon at the top right of the notifications page.
- Select the option to “Sort by latest.”
Your notifications will reorder with newest updates at the top. So you can view the latest likes, comments, messages, and other notifications in real-time.
Turning on Recent Updates Emails
In addition to sorting content within LinkedIn, you can also enable email updates to receive the latest activity from your network. Here is how to enable recent update emails:
- Go to your LinkedIn Settings page.
- Select “Communications” from the menu.
- Under “Stay up to date,” turn on the setting for “Send me an email digest of any new articles and content from my network.”
- Choose your desired email frequency – daily, weekly or monthly.
Once enabled, LinkedIn will email you roundups of the latest content from people and companies you follow. This lets you catch up on recent updates from your network all in one place.
Using Bookmarked Search Settings
You can save and bookmark customized search settings in LinkedIn to reuse. This includes saving filters like sorting by recent updates. Here is how it works:
- Customize your search settings for a search query, including sorting by most recent.
- Click the “Save search” icon in the search bar.
- Name and save your search to bookmark it.
- Access any saved searches under the “Saved” menu at the top.
Now you can easily rerun complex searches with the latest updates always sorted to the top.
Using the LinkedIn Mobile App
The LinkedIn mobile app for iOS and Android also lets you sort by recent activity in your feed and searches. Simply use the sort drop-down menu to select the option to view “Recent updates” on mobile as well.
Troubleshooting and Tips
Here are some additional troubleshooting tips for sorting LinkedIn content by most recent:
- Double check your filters – make sure “Recent updates” is actually selected and saved in your current view.
- Refresh your page – your feed may need a quick refresh to re-sort after adjusting filters.
- Check your connection settings – you may need to reconnect with people and companies to see the latest updates.
- Expand your network – following more accounts and channels will surface more recent content.
- Try different search terms – refining your keywords can help surface new real-time results.
In summary, LinkedIn provides extensive options for viewing the most timely and recent content from your professional network. Whether it’s your homepage feed, search results, company pages, groups or notifications, LinkedIn allows you to customize and filter by most recent activity. So you can stay on top of the latest updates, discussions, job listings and news that matters most to you and your career. The combination of filtering by recency along with email digests and saved searches gives you unmatched access to new information relevant to your industry and professional interests on LinkedIn.