Adding your LinkedIn profile to a job application is a great way to showcase your professional experience, skills, and accomplishments to potential employers. LinkedIn provides a comprehensive overview of your work history, education, skills, recommendations, and more. Including your profile allows hiring managers to get a fuller picture of your background and qualifications.
Why Include Your LinkedIn Profile?
Here are some of the key reasons to add your LinkedIn profile to job applications:
- It gives hiring managers a complete view of your professional background, beyond just your resume
- It allows them to verify your work history, education, credentials, and other details
- Your recommendations and endorsements help showcase your skills and strengths
- It shows your professional connections and networks
- Your profile content demonstrates your communication abilities
- It gives insight into how you present yourself professionally online
Essentially, your LinkedIn profile provides critical supplementary information to assess your fit for the role. It gives recruiters and hiring managers a more well-rounded picture of you as a candidate.
How to Add Your LinkedIn Profile to Applications
Here are some tips for including your LinkedIn profile URL in job applications:
Include the URL in Your Contact Information
On your resume or CV, add your LinkedIn profile URL along with your contact details like email address and phone number. For example:
John Smith
123 Main Street, City, State
(555) 555-1234
[email protected]
List It In Your Skills or Accomplishments Section
On your resume, consider adding a section called “Skills” or “Accomplishments” where you list technical abilities, soft skills, certifications, languages, and also your LinkedIn URL.
Add It To Online Job Application Forms
When filling out fields in an online job application, look for places where you can include links. This may be part of your contact info section, or there may be a field called “Website”, “Profile Link”, or “Online Presence” where you can enter your LinkedIn URL.
Include It In Your Email Signature
If you are emailing a recruiter or hiring manager as part of your application, add your LinkedIn URL in your email signature. This will allow them to easily click and access your profile.
List It On Your Resume Header
At the very top of your resume, include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL. This makes it visible front and center.
Attach As a Link When Submitting Your Application
When you submit job applications through an online portal, there is often a section where you can upload or attach files. Attach your LinkedIn profile as a link here.
Include It In Your Cover Letter
Mention your LinkedIn profile in your cover letter and invite the hiring manager to view it. You can say something like: “My LinkedIn profile,, contains additional details on my background and qualifications.”
Tips for an Impactful LinkedIn Profile
To maximize the impact of including your LinkedIn profile, here are some tips to ensure your profile is attractive to hiring managers:
- Customize your Profile URL – Change your public profile URL to be your full name
- Update your Profile Photo – Use a professional headshot
- Write an informative Headline – Summarize your experience and specialities
- Build your Experience Section – Flesh out details for each position
- Showcase your Skills – Add logos for key skills that apply to the role
- Get Recommendations – Request endorsements from colleagues and managers
- Link to Projects – Share examples of your work or portfolio
- Demonstrate Leadership – Mention volunteer work or community involvement
A LinkedIn profile that is detailed, recent, and optimized with keywords will make the best impression on hiring managers.
Should I Customize My Profile for Each Job?
Tailoring your LinkedIn profile for each application is an effective strategy. It allows you to highlight the most relevant skills, achievements, and experience for that particular role. Here are some tips for customizing your profile:
- Edit your Headline to use keywords from the job posting
- Rearrange your Experience section to put the most applicable positions first
- Move key Skills that match the role to the top of the Skills section
- Add new Skills or endorsements that reflect requirements in the job description
- Modify the About section to focus on details most important for that employer
Essentially, adapting your profile allows you to create a version of your LinkedIn profile tailored specifically for each job opportunity. This helps ensure you are showcasing the parts of your background that will resonate most with that particular hiring manager.
Should I Notify Employers That I Updated My Profile?
It can be helpful to let employers know if you update your LinkedIn profile specifically for their job application. You can mention it briefly in your cover letter, such as:
“I have updated my LinkedIn profile to highlight my experience in social media marketing and content creation skills, which are well-suited for this Social Media Manager role.”
This signals to them that you have made an effort to showcase the qualifications they are looking for in their job posting. It shows your attention to detail and interest in aligning your personal brand with their company needs. Proactively informing them about your targeted profile update demonstrates your enthusiasm and preparation as an applicant.
How Can I Get Notified When Employers View My Profile?
LinkedIn provides notifications when employers view your profile. To enable this feature:
- Go to your LinkedIn Settings
- Select the Privacy tab
- Under the Profile Viewing Options, check the box for “Let people know when you’ve viewed their profile”
- Under Job Seeking, select “Yes” to notify you when employers view your profile
You can also see who has viewed your profile recently under the “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” section on your LinkedIn homepage. This can be a useful way to track employer interest during the hiring process.
Should I Connect With the Hiring Manager?
Connecting with the hiring manager or recruiter on LinkedIn can be beneficial as an additional way to signal your interest in the company and role. It also grants them access to view more of your LinkedIn profile content. Here are some tips for connecting:
- Personalize your connection request with a note referencing your application
- Connect after submitting your application, not before
- Only connect if there has already been some existing contact about the role
- Make sure your profile is up-to-date before connecting
- Use a professional photo and customized LinkedIn URL
In general, connecting on LinkedIn provides another touchpoint and can help strengthen your candidacy during the hiring process. But be sure the timing is right and your request comes across as professional, not pushy.
Including your LinkedIn profile link in job applications is an effective way to enhance your candidacy and give employers a more well-rounded view of your background and qualifications. Make sure to optimize your LinkedIn presence, customize your profile for each role, and actively share your profile URL at relevant junctures during the hiring process. With some extra effort, your LinkedIn profile can take your job applications to the next level.