If you no longer have access to a LinkedIn account that you would like to delete, the process can be a bit more complicated. However, with some persistence and by following the proper steps, it is possible to fully delete a LinkedIn account you can no longer access.
Why Would You Want to Delete a LinkedIn Account You Can’t Access?
There are a few common reasons why someone may want to delete a LinkedIn account they no longer have access to:
- You don’t want your name and information associated with an old account anymore
- The account was created a long time ago and no longer represents you or your professional identity accurately
- You want a fresh start with a new LinkedIn account but can’t since the email or username is associated with the old account
- The account was created by an ex-partner or someone else without your permission
Whatever the reason, the inability to access the account makes it extra challenging to delete. But with the right steps, it is possible.
Contact LinkedIn Directly
The first step is to directly contact LinkedIn’s customer support and explain your situation. You can reach their customer service in a few ways:
- Go to the LinkedIn Contact Us page and fill out the web form detailing your request. Make sure to select “Closing Account” for the issue type.
- Call their customer support phone number at 1-866-579-0508. Explain you want to permanently close an account you can’t access.
When reaching out to LinkedIn, be ready to provide as much helpful information as possible, such as:
- The name on the account
- The associated email address
- Profile photo or other distinguishing details
- Why you need the account deleted
The more details you can give LinkedIn to identify the account, the better. However, even if you don’t have a lot of specifics, LinkedIn may still be able to search for the account by name and email and then fully delete it for you.
Try Resetting the Password
One method LinkedIn may suggest is to try resetting the password yourself. Here are the steps:
- Go to the LinkedIn login page and click “Forgot password?”
- Enter the email address or username associated with the account.
- LinkedIn will send a password reset email if they can find an account matching that information.
- Click the reset link in the email and create a new password.
- Try logging in with the new password and then go to account settings to delete the account.
If you no longer have access to the email on file, this method won’t work. But it’s worth trying as a first step before contacting customer support since it’s faster if successful.
Ask LinkedIn to Verify Account Ownership
If resetting the password doesn’t work, LinkedIn may ask you to provide information to confirm you are the legitimate account owner. This could include:
- Photos of your official government ID (driver’s license, passport, etc.)
- Proof of address if the address on your ID doesn’t match the LinkedIn account info
- Official company emails or documents if it is a work account
By providing this type of verification, you can prove to LinkedIn you are the rightful account owner even if you can’t access the login credentials. LinkedIn can then delete the account on your behalf.
File a Legal Request
As a last resort if nothing else has worked, you may need to make a legal request for account deletion. This involves sending LinkedIn an official letter from you or a legal representative demanding the account be deleted.
The letter should detail:
- Your full name and contact information
- Identifying details of the account
- Reasons you need it deleted
- Steps you’ve already taken to delete it
- Request that LinkedIn permanently delete the account within a specific timeframe
Sending a formal legal notice shows LinkedIn you are serious about getting the account removed and may prompt them to take action if other options failed.
Use Privacy Laws Like GDPR
If you live in certain regions, like the European Union, you can leverage local privacy laws like GDPR to request account deletion. GDPR gives EU citizens the “right to be forgotten” online.
Citing this right in an email or legal request to LinkedIn can help pressure them to delete your account. Make it clear that retention of the inaccessible account violates your right to erasure under GDPR.
Keep copies of all communication with LinkedIn for your records. If they refuse to comply with your GDPR deletion request, you can file a complaint with your local data protection authority.
Try an Account Deletion Service
If you’ve exhausted all other options, you may consider using a paid account deletion or reputation management service.
These companies will conduct the process of contacting LinkedIn and legally demanding account removal on your behalf. This saves you time and effort trying to handle it yourself.
Make sure to research the reputation and success rate of any third-party service before using them. Also confirm they will pursue formal legal action if needed to get the account deleted.
Can You Delete a LinkedIn Account Without Logging In?
In summary, here are the key methods to delete a LinkedIn account without being logged in or having the password:
- Contact LinkedIn customer support and explain you can’t access the account.
- Try resetting the password using email or username.
- Provide LinkedIn with verification documents to prove account ownership.
- Send a legal deletion request letter.
- Leverage “right to be forgotten” privacy laws if applicable.
- Use a professional account deletion service.
With persistence using these methods, it is possible to fully delete a LinkedIn profile without having access. Don’t hesitate to keep contacting LinkedIn and escalating your request if needed until they permanently remove the inaccessible account.
What Happens When You Delete a LinkedIn Account?
When your LinkedIn account is successfully deleted, either by you or by LinkedIn upon request, here is what happens:
- Your profile page will no longer be viewable. Your name and photo will not appear in search results.
- You will be logged out and unable to log back in with your credentials.
- Your connections will no longer see you listed in their network.
- All LinkedIn groups you belong to will be removed.
- Paid products like Job Seeker subscriptions will be cancelled.
- LinkedIn will remove all data associated with your account from their systems.
So in summary, when your account is deleted you will have no presence whatsoever on LinkedIn anymore. It will be like you never had an account at all.
Can a Deleted LinkedIn Account Be Recovered?
Once an account is permanently deleted either by the user or by LinkedIn upon request, it cannot be recovered or reactivated. The deletion is final.
Some key points on recovering a deleted LinkedIn account:
- There is no “trash” or “recycle bin” features to restore deleted accounts.
- Unlike Facebook, deleted LinkedIn accounts do not go into a temporary deactivated state.
- LinkedIn removes all associated data from their servers during account deletion.
- The username and email address become available to be registered again.
- There is no way to appeal or reverse the account deletion process.
Essentially, if you request account deletion either directly or through LinkedIn support, assume it will be permanent and irrecoverable.
Steps to Permanently Deleting Your LinkedIn Account
If you do still have access to your LinkedIn account, the process of permanent deletion is relatively straightforward:
- Log into LinkedIn and go to your account settings.
- Look for the “Close your account” section.
- Select the option for “Close account”.
- Enter your account password when prompted to confirm your identity.
- Click the “Close Account” button to complete the process.
Once you go through these steps while logged in, your account will be immediately deleted with no option for recovery. Make sure you want to close your account permanently before initiating the deletion.
Alternative Option: Temporarily Deactivating Your Account
If you want to take a break from LinkedIn but aren’t sure about permanent deletion, you also have the option to temporarily deactivate your account:
- Go to account settings and select “Deactivate your account”.
- Choose a reason for deactivation from the dropdown menu.
- Confirm your password to deactivate the account.
With deactivation, your profile won’t be viewable and you can reactivate your account anytime in the future just by logging back in. Deletion is the only option for permanent closure.
What to Do Before Deleting Your LinkedIn Account
Before deleting your LinkedIn account, it’s smart to take a few preparatory steps:
- Download your data – LinkedIn allows you to download an archive of your account data including connections, posts, and more. Saving this can be helpful for records.
- Backup connections – Save contact info for important connections who you may want to stay in touch with elsewhere.
- Notify key contacts – Let close professional connections know you’ll be leaving LinkedIn so they aren’t surprised.
- Delete company pages – If you manage any Company Pages, remove yourself as an admin before deleting your account.
- Export LinkedIn articles – If you’ve published articles on LinkedIn, export them beforehand so you still have copies after your account is gone.
Taking these steps helps preserve any key data or contacts from your account before the permanent deletion process.
Pros and Cons of Deleting Your LinkedIn Account
Before taking the decision to delete your LinkedIn account, think carefully about these potential pros and cons:
- You’ll get a completely fresh start if you ever want to open a new LinkedIn account.
- Old connections and posts won’t linger if you’re moving careers.
- No risk of account hijacking since it won’t exist.
- Greater privacy and separation from an old identity.
- Freely open a new LinkedIn account with the same email/username.
- Permanent loss of connections made over the years.
- Previous posts and content will be gone.
- Loss of paid subscriptions and inability to reuse them.
- Hurts professional network and opportunities.
- New account lacks network strength and engagement.
Overall, the pros may outweigh the cons if you really want to disconnect your professional identity from a past LinkedIn presence. But know the permanent impacts before undergoing the account deletion process.
Deleting a LinkedIn account you can no longer access takes persistence and escalation, but is possible. Contact LinkedIn support, provide verification, send legal requests, and leverage privacy laws as potential avenues. Act fast if you need an old account removed to free up your name and brand for a fresh start.