Embedding a LinkedIn page on your Google site can be a great way to showcase your professional profile and network. However, LinkedIn does not allow you to embed full profile pages due to privacy concerns. What you can embed are specific elements from LinkedIn, such as your feed, recent activity, groups, and more.
Here are some quick answers to common questions about embedding LinkedIn on Google sites:
– You cannot embed your full LinkedIn profile page, but you can embed specific elements.
– To embed LinkedIn content, you’ll need to use the LinkedIn Embedded Post plugin.
– You can embed your LinkedIn feed, recent activity, groups,SlideShare presentations, and more.
– The embedded content is customizable, allowing you to control how it appears.
– Embedding LinkedIn adds more dynamic, social content to your static Google site.
Prerequisites for Embedding LinkedIn
Before embedding any LinkedIn content on your Google site, you’ll need:
– A LinkedIn account in good standing. Make sure your profile is public.
– Permission to embed third-party content on your Google site. Some corporate Google Sites may not allow this.
– The LinkedIn Embedded Post plugin installed on your Google site (more details below).
– To be logged into your LinkedIn account to generate the necessary embed code.
Enabling Third-Party Embed on Google Sites
Google Sites will not allow you to embed third-party content by default. To enable this capability:
1. Open your Google Site and go to Manage Site > Site settings.
2. Under “Additional Google services”, make sure “Embed external content” is turned ON.
3. Save your changes.
This will now allow you to use the LinkedIn Embedded Post plugin.
Installing the LinkedIn Embedded Post Plugin
To embed LinkedIn content on Google Sites, you need to use LinkedIn’s official Embedded Post plugin. Here’s how to install it:
1. Open your Google Site and go to Manage Site > Plugin Manager.
2. Click “Add a plugin”.
3. Search for “LinkedIn Embedded Post”.
4. Install the plugin by clicking “Add Plugin”.
Once installed, you can generate embed codes for LinkedIn content.
Embedding Your LinkedIn Feed
One of the most popular items to embed is your LinkedIn feed. This displays your recent posts and activity.
To embed your feed:
1. Log into your LinkedIn account and go to your profile.
2. Click on the “More” icon near your photo and choose “Embed profile”.
3. From the dropdown, choose to embed your “Feed”.
4. Customize the embed appearance as needed (size, style etc).
5. Click “Generate embed code”.
6. Copy the generated iframe code.
7. Paste the code on your Google site page where you want the feed to appear.
Your LinkedIn feed will now be live and displayed on your Google site!
Customizing Your Embedded Feed
Some customization options for your feed include:
– Width/height of the iframe container
– Hiding header elements like title, logo, etc
– Showing a Follow button for viewers to follow you
– Only displaying posts, hiding comments and likes
– Auto-resizing the container instead of scrolling
Play around with the different options to control how your feed looks and functions when embedded.
Embedding Your Recent LinkedIn Activity
In addition to your main feed, you can also embed a snapshot of your most recent LinkedIn activity. This includes:
– Your 3 most recent posts
– Likes from the past week
– Comments from the past week
– New profile views from the past week
To embed your recent activity:
1. Follow the same steps above to access the Embed Profile dialog.
2. This time, choose to embed your “Recent activity”.
3. Customize the appearance as needed.
4. Generate and copy the embed code.
5. Paste the code on your Google site.
Your recent LinkedIn activity will now display and update automatically when you have new action on LinkedIn.
Customizing Your Recent Activity Embed
Some customization options for your recent activity include:
– Height/width of the iframe container
– Hiding the header
– Showing a Follow button
– Auto-resizing the container instead of scrolling
– Only showing certain elements (posts, likes, comments, etc)
Again, play around with the different options to control how your recent activity feed looks on your site.
Embedding Your LinkedIn Groups
You may also want to showcase LinkedIn groups that you manage or are active in.
Embedding a LinkedIn group displays:
– Header with cover image
– Information about the group (description, member count, etc)
– Recent group posts and discussions
To embed a LinkedIn group:
1. Go to the main page of the LinkedIn group you want to embed.
2. Click “More” and choose “Embed group”.
3. Customize the embed appearance.
4. Generate and copy the iframe code.
5. Paste onto your Google site.
Visitors can now see a snapshot of one of your key groups directly on your site.
Customizing Your Group Embed
Some options for customizing the group embed include:
– Height/width of the iframe container
– Hiding the header and/or footer
– Auto-resize option instead of scrolling
– Showing the About or Posts sections
Decide what elements are needed to best showcase that particular group to your audience.
Embedding Your LinkedIn SlideShare Presentations
SlideShare is owned by LinkedIn, so you can embed SlideShare presentations into your Google site as well.
To do this:
1. Go to the SlideShare presentation you want to embed.
2. Click “Share” then “Embed”.
3. Choose the slide format you want to embed (slideshow, slides only, etc).
4. Customize the appearance options.
5. Generate and copy the iframe embed code.
6. Add the code to your Google site.
Now visitors can browse that presentation without leaving your site.
Customizing Your SlideShare Embed
Options for customizing your SlideShare embed include:
– Setting slide format (slideshow, slides only, etc)
– Autoplaying or manually controlled
– Looping or playing once
– Scrolling or fixed height iframe
– Hiding elements like title or byline
– Enabling downloads and sharing
Configure your presentation embed for maximum impact.
Best Practices For LinkedIn Embeds
When embedding LinkedIn content on your Google Site, keep these best practices in mind:
– Showcase only your own LinkedIn content – don’t embed other people’s LinkedIn activity without permission.
– Keep embeds up-to-date by regenerating embed codes periodically. Old codes may stop working.
– Be selective about what you embed – don’t clutter your pages or overwhelm visitors.
– Test embeds before publishing them live – preview how they’ll look on desktop and mobile.
– Explain why you’re embedding each element – give context to visitors.
– Customize appearances to blend embeds into your overall site design.
– Minimize noise and clutter by hiding non-essential elements in embeds.
– Position important embeds prominently – don’t bury them down the page.
Optimizing Performance
To ensure fast load times:
– Keep the number of embeds per page reasonable – don’t add too many.
– Use iframes sparingly – try embedded image blocks if you can.
– Set fixed heights on containers – avoid vertical page jumps.
– Load social media embeds after page load if possible.
– Cache embeds to minimize external calls.
– Monitor page speed and optimize as needed.
Monitoring Your Embeds
It’s important to monitor your LinkedIn embeds over time to ensure they continue working properly.
– Test embeds regularly on both desktop and mobile.
– Watch for errors, timeouts, or display issues.
– Check for missing images or assets.
– Regenerate embed codes periodically.
– Disable inactive embeds so they don’t slow your site down.
Proper monitoring helps avoid problems down the road.
Other LinkedIn Items You Can Embed
Beyond the main elements outlined already, you can embed a few other LinkedIn items too:
– Compact profile badge – Displays your profile photo, name, headline and follower count. Great for “About Me” pages.
– Full profile badge – All the compact badge info plus your contact links. Often used in sidebars or headers.
– Open to Work profile badge – Showcases that your are open to job opportunities. Ideal for contact pages.
Job Listings
If your company has LinkedIn Talent Solutions, you can embed open job listings:
– Prominently showcase open positions.
– Visitors can click to view on LinkedIn and apply.
– Fully customizable appearance.
Content Recommendations
For certain types of pages like blogs, you can also embed LinkedIn-powered content recommendations:
– “Related content” section generated dynamically based on the page content.
– Showcases your own content posted on LinkedIn.
– Increase on-site engagement.
Embedding LinkedIn on your Google Site lets you showcase your professional brand while also making your site more engaging. Focus on choosing key elements to embed that provide value for your audience rather than overwhelm them. Follow LinkedIn’s embedding best practices, test thoroughly before going live, and monitor regularly to get the most impact from your LinkedIn embeds.