Having endorsements on your LinkedIn profile can be a great way to showcase your skills and expertise to potential employers and connections. However, you may find that even after being endorsed, the endorsements don’t always show up on your profile. Here are some tips for making sure your LinkedIn endorsements are visible.
Make Sure You Have Endorsements Turned On
The first step is to check that you have endorsements enabled on your profile. Go to your profile settings and make sure “Show the skills endorsements I’ve received on my profile” is checked. This setting allows endorsements to be publicly visible on your profile. If it’s unchecked, no one will be able to see any endorsements you’ve received.
Choose Your Top 3 Skills
LinkedIn only displays the top 3 skills you’ve been most frequently endorsed for on your profile. Any endorsements beyond the top 3 will not be shown. To make sure your best and most relevant skills are visible, go to your profile and edit your skills. Re-arrange your skills so the top 3 skills you want to showcase are at the top. This will make those skills and their endorsements more prominently displayed.
Get Endorsed for Skills Publicly
For an endorsement to show up on your profile, it needs to be done publicly. Make sure your connections are endorsing you directly on your profile rather than privately through the LinkedIn messaging system. Public endorsements done directly on your profile will be counted. Private endorsements won’t boost your numbers.
Endorse Connections Back
One of the best ways to get more endorsements is to give them. Make a habit of endorsing your connections for the skills they’ve listed that you can validate. This makes them more likely to return the favor and endorse you back for your skills. It helps to not endorse randomly, but focus on endorsing connections you have experience working with who can meaningfully endorse your skills.
Join LinkedIn Groups Related to Your Skills
Look for active LinkedIn groups focused on the topics and skills you want to be endorsed for. As you demonstrate your expertise by participating in group discussions, you’re more likely to get endorsements from other group members. You can also post about your skills and accomplishments in groups to subtly prompt members to endorse you.
List All Relevant Skills on Your Profile
It may seem obvious, but make sure all your key skills are listed on your profile. You can’t get endorsed for a skill that isn’t on your profile. Spend time making sure your skills section fully represents your competencies. Break skills down into subcategories when possible, which will allow more endorsements.
Display the Skills Section Prominently
Make it easy for visitors to your profile to find and endorse your skills. Edit your profile to display your skills section prominently near the top. You can also organize profile sections so skills are listed before work experience. This increases visibility.
Promote Your Profile and Skills
Let people know about your LinkedIn profile and skills by sharing your profile URL whenever appropriate. Share it on online forums related to your field, your email signature, resumes, and anywhere else that makes sense. This can drive more visitors to view and endorse your skills.
Engage With Your Network Frequently
Stay active on LinkedIn by regularly posting updates, commenting on posts, liking content, and messaging connections. The more engaged you are, the more visibility you’ll have. Being active leads to more endorsements because you’re front of mind and top of feed for your connections.
Follow Company Pages Related to Your Skills
By following company pages relevant to your skills and expertise, you demonstrate interest and knowledge. Companies will often endorse followers who are passionate about what they do. It can help lead to endorsements from companies in addition to your individual connections.
Join Projects Related to Your Skills
LinkedIn Projects allow you to collaborate with professionals on developing skills and accomplishing goals. Participating in projects is a great way to establish your expertise. Project members who validate your skills are likely to publicly endorse you.
Offer Free Advice and Feedback
Look for opportunities to provide free advice, insights, and feedback to others seeking help related to your skills. You can answer LinkedIn questions or offer coaching and mentoring. By generously demonstrating your expertise, you may receive endorsements in return.
Partner With Colleagues on Content
Create and share content on LinkedIn together with colleagues and partners who can validate your skills. This could include posts, articles, videos, or presentations. Tag and acknowledge partners who endorse you to return the favor.
Ask for Endorsements
While most endorsements originate organically, don’t be afraid to occasionally ask directly. Tactfully request endorsements from colleagues who have first-hand experience with skills you excel at. Specific asks are better than general ones.
Say Thank You
Always acknowledge people who endorse you by liking or commenting on their endorsement. Send them a message thanking them for taking the time. This encourages reciprocity and future endorsements.
Earn Advanced LinkedIn Skills Assessments
Completing LinkedIn skills assessments can prompt connections to endorse you. Displaying the badges you earn for skills after passing assessments can drive endorsements and reinforce your expertise.
Update Old Connections on Your Skills
Reconnect with connections you haven’t interacted with in a while and let them know about new skills or achievements they may be unaware of. This top of mind awareness can lead old connections to endorse you.
Spotlight Milestone Work Anniversaries
Leverage big milestone work anniversaries to update your profile and request endorsements from colleagues about skills developed over your career. This can capture endorsements you may have missed out on.
Showcase Skills on Resume and Portfolio
Your profile skills should match your resume. List key skills on your resume and link to online portfolios demonstrating those skills. It reinforces expertise for visitors who view both.
Advertise Skills Publicly Beyond LinkedIn
Any public forums where you demonstrate skills expertise can lead visitors back to endorse you on LinkedIn. This could include personal websites, published articles, open source code repositories, slide decks, and more.
Join Relevant LinkedIn Sub-Groups
Groups related to your professional skills will often contain more targeted sub-groups. Joining sub-groups in your specific niche makes it easier to establish expertise with an audience who can endorse you.
Share Skill-Relevant Company Updates
Commenting on company updates in your industry with thoughtful insights is a soft way to showcase knowledge. Company followers and employees often reciprocate with endorsements.
Offer Help to Connections Seeking Skills
Pay attention to connections posting about challenges related to your skills expertise. Reach out offering advice and assistance. Helping directly can prompt endorsements.
Getting endorsements on LinkedIn takes patience and consistency. Focus on organically engaging with your network, establishing your expertise over time, and generating reciprocal relationships. The more value you provide to others, the more likely you’ll receive meaningful endorsements in return. What strategies have you found most effective for getting endorsed on LinkedIn?