Viewing LinkedIn profiles in private or incognito mode is a common way for people to check out other’s profiles without leaving a trace. However, you may want to prevent your own profile from being viewed this way for privacy reasons. Here are some tips on how to stop people from seeing your LinkedIn profile in private/incognito mode.
Make Your LinkedIn Profile Fully Private
The simplest way is to make your LinkedIn profile fully private so it is not visible to anyone you are not connected to. Here are the steps:
- Go to your LinkedIn profile
- Click on the ‘Me’ icon at the top and select ‘Settings & Privacy’
- Go to the ‘Privacy’ tab
- Under ‘Profile viewing options’, select ‘Private’ instead of ‘Public’
This will make your profile invisible to people who are not direct connections. The downside is you also limit exposure and networking opportunities. But it guarantees no one can access your profile in private/incognito mode.
Show Limited Profile to Non-Connections
A better option is to show limited information to people who are not connections. Here’s how:
- Go to LinkedIn Settings & Privacy > Privacy
- Under ‘Profile viewing options’, choose ‘Your connections only’
- Uncheck the boxes for these sections to hide them from non-connections:
- Featured
- About
- Experience
- Education
- Skills
- Interests
- Groups
- Projects
This will show only your name, headline, location and shared connections to non-connections. They won’t see much without sending a connection request.
Customize Visible Profile Sections
For more flexibility, you can customize which profile sections are visible to non-connections:
- Go to LinkedIn Settings & Privacy > Privacy
- Under ‘Select what others can see’, choose ‘Select what’s visible’
- Check or uncheck sections to customize visibility
For example, you can show About and Skills but hide Experience. Pick the combination you’re comfortable with.
Limit Profile Views with Premium
With LinkedIn Premium, you can see who has viewed your profile in the last 90 days. This visibility lets you limit access.
To use this feature:
- Upgrade to a Premium account
- Go to LinkedIn Settings & Privacy > Privacy
- Under ‘Profile viewing options’, enable ‘See who’s viewed your profile’
- Regularly check who has viewed your profile
- For unwanted views in private/incognito mode, block those users
Over time, this will weed out profile views you are uncomfortable with.
Show Profile to 2nd Degree Connections
By default, LinkedIn allows 1st degree connections to view your full profile. But you can further limit it to only 2nd degree connections and beyond.
- Go to LinkedIn Settings & Privacy > Connections
- Under ‘Select who can see your connections’, choose ‘Only you’
This hides your connections from everyone. Without a shared connection visible, even 1st degree connections will have limited profile access. They would have to specifically request access if interested.
Selectively Accept Connection Requests
Being more selective when accepting connection requests is another way to limit profile views:
- Check each requester’s profile before accepting to screen them
- Ignore or decline requests from unfamiliar people
- Avoid connecting with competitors or industry contacts you want to limit
- Connect only with those you are comfortable seeing your full profile
While blocking connections reduces your network reach, it ensures control over who can view your profile.
Customize Public Profile URL
LinkedIn profiles have a long unique URL by default. You can customize it with your name:
- Go to LinkedIn public profile settings
- Click ‘Edit public profile URL’
- Enter a custom URL with your name
- Click ‘Save’
This makes your profile URL unguessable and harder to find in private browsing.
Turn Off Google Indexing
Prevent search engines like Google from indexing your profile to remove it from search results:
- Go to LinkedIn Settings & Privacy > Privacy
- Under ‘Search engine indexing’, uncheck ‘Allow search engines outside of LinkedIn to link to your profile’
This stops your profile from appearing in Google searches even in private browsing. The tradeoff is loss of visibility and SEO value.
Remove Last Name
Eliminating your last name from your profile also makes it tougher to search and find:
- Go to LinkedIn public profile settings
- Delete last name from the name fields
- Show only first name and middle name or initial
Just be aware this also limits networking opportunities when people cannot identify you easily.
Use a Nickname
Instead of your full name, use a nickname or unofficial professional name:
- Go to LinkedIn public profile settings
- Enter your nickname in the name fields instead of legal name
This adds obscurity to make you harder to search for. But can also confuse people who only know you by your formal name.
Pros of Using a Nickname
- Obscures identity
- Increases privacy
- Hard to find in search engines
- Allows separation of personal and professional personas
Cons of Using a Nickname
- Confusing to people who know your real name
- Harder to build professional brand with an unofficial name
- Could be problematic for formal business purposes
- Nicknames lack seriousness in some industries
Control Profile Content
Review your profile content and remove anything too personal or sensitive:
- Delete personal hobbies/interests
- Omit home address details
- Avoid political or religious views
- Keep family information limited
This gives less insights to strangers browsing in private without your consent. Share personal details only with trusted connections.
In summary, here are some effective ways to stop others from seeing your LinkedIn profile in private or incognito mode:
- Make profile fully private
- Customize visible sections
- Limit visibility with Premium account
- Show profile to only 2nd degree connections and beyond
- Be selective when accepting connection requests
- Customize your public profile URL
- Turn off search engine indexing of profile
- Use a nickname instead of real name
- Remove personal details from profile content
Balancing visibility and privacy is tricky on LinkedIn. But with the right settings and selectivity, you can maximize control over who can view your profile. This lets you connect confidently while keeping private browsing snoopers out.
Word count: 1460
Frequently Asked Questions
Can people see my LinkedIn profile in private mode?
Yes, people can see your LinkedIn profile in private or incognito mode by default. LinkedIn profiles are public and searchable, so anyone browsing privately can access and view your profile without you knowing.
Does LinkedIn notify you if someone views your profile in private/incognito mode?
No, LinkedIn does not notify you if someone views your profile in private or incognito mode specifically. Even with premium accounts that show profile views, it does not indicate if the view was in a private browser.
Can I tell if someone viewed my LinkedIn profile in private mode?
There is no way to definitively tell if someone has viewed your LinkedIn profile in private browsing mode. LinkedIn does not provide data on whether views are from a private browser. The best indicators are seeing unfamiliar profile views or region-based views.
Does turning off public profile visibility prevent private browsing viewing?
Yes, disabling public access to your LinkedIn profile will prevent it from being viewed in private browsing modes. By making your profile fully private or limiting visibility to only connections, you can effectively block access to non-connections browsing privately.
Should I connect with everyone who requests access to my LinkedIn profile?
No, it is not recommended to connect with everyone who requests access on LinkedIn. Be selective and only accept requests from people you know and trust. Ignoring or declining requests from random people is important to limit private browsing access.
Can I get in trouble with LinkedIn for using a fake name?
It is against LinkedIn’s User Agreement to use a fake name or misrepresent your identity. Your profile name must use your real authentic name. Nicknames are allowed, but fake names could potentially get your account restricted or suspended.
Is it safe to include my address on my LinkedIn profile?
No, it is not generally recommended to add your full home address to your LinkedIn profile. This gives out too much personal information. Listing just your city and state is safer. Never add personal contact details like phone number or email to your public LinkedIn profile.
Key Takeaways
- LinkedIn profiles are publicly accessible and viewable in private browsing modes by default.
- Make your profile fully private or limit visibility to stop access from non-connections.
- Be selective when connecting with people to control private browsing access.
- Customize profile sections, name, and URL to limit searchability.
- Avoid showing sensitive personal details on your LinkedIn profile.
- Balance networking exposure against privacy controls on LinkedIn.