API keys and secrets are an important part of securing access to many web APIs and services. They allow the service provider to identify and authenticate API requests coming from your application or website. This article will explain what API keys and secrets are, why they are important, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to generate them for various popular APIs.
What is an API Key?
An API key is a unique identifier that is used to authenticate a request to access a web API. It is a string of letters, numbers, and symbols that is passed along with each API request, usually as a query parameter or header. The API provider uses this key to identify the caller and provide access to the API.
Here are some key things to know about API keys:
- API keys are unique – Each key should only be issued to one developer or app.
- They do not provide full access – API keys alone only identify the caller, they do not authorize access to specific resources.
- Keys should be kept secret – API keys need to be protected the same way as passwords or other secrets.
- They can be revoked – If a key is compromised or leaked, the API provider can invalidate it.
API keys provide a simple way to get started with API access without needing complex authentication mechanisms. But they should not be the only layer of security for production applications.
What is an API Secret?
An API secret, sometimes called a secret key, is another credential used along with an API key to authenticate API requests. It serves a similar purpose as a password does for a username. The main characteristics of API secrets are:
- Secrets are long, random strings – Usually generated programatically when creating the keys.
- They prove possession of the key – The secret proves the caller owns the API key.
- Secrets must be kept confidential – They should never be shared or transmitted unencrypted.
- Their role is different than API keys – Keys identify, secrets authenticate.
Using the API key together with the secret provides authentication of the API caller. The key IDs the app making the request, while the secret proves it has the right to use that key. This provides an additional layer of security beyond just the API key alone.
Why Use API Keys and Secrets?
There are several important reasons for using API keys and secrets:
- Security – API credentials prevent unauthorized access to API resources. They ensure only approved callers can interact with the API.
- Resource access control – Credentials allow enforcing fine-grained permissions on individual APIs.
- Traffic management – API providers can throttle or monitor usage based on the keys.
- Metrics and analytics – Usage can be tracked per key to monitor adoption and issues.
- Revoke access – Compromised or outdated keys can be deactivated without affecting others.
Overall, API keys and secrets allow providers to securely expose APIs to external developers and applications. They are a universal mechanism for controlling API access across different use cases.
How to Generate API Keys and Secrets
The process for generating API keys and secrets depends on the specific API or service. But in general, the steps involve:
- Signing up for a developer account – Most APIs require creating an account to access credentials.
- Creating an application entry – This registers an app that can use the API, under your account.
- Generating credentials – The API will create a unique key and secret pair for the application.
- Viewing and managing keys – Developer accounts let you see keys and configure usage.
Let’s look at examples of how some popular APIs handle key creation:
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS uses access key IDs and secret access keys for API access. To generate them:
- Sign into the AWS Management Console and go to Security Credentials.
- Under Access Keys, click “Create New Access Key”.
- The popup will show the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key to copy.
The keys will also be downloadable as a CSV file. Be sure to treat the secret key with the same security as your AWS account password.
Google APIs
Google uses API keys and OAuth 2.0 for API access. To get credentials:
- Go to the Google Developers Console API library.
- Select the API service you want to use.
- Click Enable to get an API key.
- For OAuth secrets, click Create Credentials and generate OAuth client IDs.
The API key can be used directly or from the server side. OAuth 2.0 is recommended for client-side applications.
Stripe API
Stripe uses a simple API key for identification. To generate it:
- Sign up for a Stripe account if you don’t have one.
- Go to the Stripe dashboard API settings.
- Click “Reveal API Key” to see your secret key.
This single secret API key is used for all Stripe API requests. New keys can be generated from the dashboard as well.
GitHub API
GitHub uses token-based authentication for its APIs. To create a token:
- Go to GitHub account settings and Developer settings.
- Click Personal access tokens.
- Click Generate new token and give it a description.
- Select the scopes or permissions you need.
- Click Generate token to create your access token.
Save this token securely – it gives access to your GitHub account! The token can be passed via the Authorization header in API requests.
Best Practices When Using API Keys
Here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with API credentials:
- Treat secrets with care – Never expose them in code or check into source control.
- Use the principle of least privilege – Request only the permissions needed.
- Limit key distribution – Only share with users who need to use the API.
- Rotate keys periodically – Change keys to reduce risk from leaks.
- Revoke compromised keys – Promptly disable exposed or misused keys.
- Use secure transmission – Always use HTTPS to avoid interception.
- Enforce request rate limits – Prevent brute force attacks on keys.
- Monitor usage carefully – Watch for anomalous usage patterns.
Following these practices will help maximize security when using API credentials in your applications.
Storing API Credentials Securely
Where and how API credentials are stored is a vital aspect of keeping them secure. Here are some recommended methods for secure storage:
- Environment variables – Store keys in environment variables on servers rather than in code or files.
- Secret managers – Use a secrets manager service on your cloud platform.
- Key vaults – Store keys in secure key repositories like AWS KMS or HashiCorp Vault.
- Encrypted – Encrypt stored keys if keeping them in files using a key derived from a master password.
- Hashicorp Vault – Store API keys in HashiCorp Vault and access via dynamic secrets.
For maximum security, restrict access through ACLs, IAM policies, or permissions. Auditing and monitoring systems should also be placed to detect misuse of credentials.
Handling API Keys in Source Code
For applications under source control, hard coding API secrets in source files is dangerous. Instead, use these techniques to keep secrets out of source code:
- Reference keys through environment variables.
- Omit real secrets from code and fill during deployment.
- Pull secrets from secret management systems at runtime.
- Hashicorp Vault – Store API keys in HashiCorp Vault and access via dynamic secrets.
- Use CI/CD variables for keys during automated builds.
With these methods, source code remains free of actual secrets while still being able to access them when running. This reduces the risk of accidentally leaking API credentials if code is exposed.
Rotating and Revoking API Keys
It’s a good security practice to periodically cycle API credentials by generating new keys and revoking old ones. This helps minimize damage in case a key is accidentally exposed. Here are some tips for effective key rotation:
- Set expiration on keys so they automatically expire after a timeframe, such as 90 days.
- Revoke previous keys immediately after generating replacements.
- Trigger rotations automatically through scripts or API calls.
- Rotate backup or unused keys that may have been forgotten.
- Monitor systems for use of old keys and revoke if found.
- Notify users when their keys will expire or rotate.
Regular rotation makes it harder for leaked keys to be exploited over long periods. It’s a simple way to improve resilience against API key misuse.
Proper use of API keys and secrets is crucial for building secure applications. This includes generating strong credentials, storing them safely, and managing their use and rotation. With good key hygiene, developers can reap the benefits of API access while minimizing risks.