Regular expressions, also known as regex or regexp, are extremely useful for matching patterns in text such as code, log files, and search engines. Regex allows you to create powerful search queries to match specific characters, words, or patterns of characters. Using regex can help search engines and applications match exactly what you want to find.
What is a regex?
A regex or regular expression is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. This pattern can then be used to find matches in text. Regex uses special metacharacters to help define search patterns. Here are some examples of regex metacharacters and what they match:
Metacharacter | Matches |
. | Any single character except newline |
[] | Any character contained within the brackets |
[^ ] | Any character NOT contained within the brackets |
* | Zero or more repetitions of preceding regex |
+ | One or more repetitions of preceding regex |
? | Zero or one repetitions of preceding regex |
{n} | Exactly n repetitions of preceding regex |
{n,} | At least n repetitions of preceding regex |
{n,m} | Between n and m repetitions of preceding regex |
These metacharacters allow you to match very specific patterns. For example, the regex “a.c” would match “abc”, “acc”, “aqc”, etc. The metacharacter “.” matches any single character. The regex “[a-z]” would match any lowercase letter. You can combine metacharacters and literal text to create powerful search queries.
Using regex in search engines
Many search engines support using regex in searches. Here are some examples:
Google supports regex in search through some special search operators:
Operator | Description |
“causes of *itis” | The * wildcard matches any text |
“treatment for arthr{2}tis” | Matches “arthritis” or “arthrittis” |
“[a-z]{3}[0-9]” | Matches exactly 3 lowercase letters followed by 1 number |
So “causes of *itis” would match “causes of bronchitis”, “causes of tendonitis”, etc. Very powerful!
DuckDuckGo provides regex search without any special operators. Just include your regex query normally. For example:
- “a.c” – Matches “abc”, “acc”, “aqc”, etc.
- “[a-z]{5}” – Matches any 5 lowercase letters
- “\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}” – Matches US phone number format XXX-XXX-XXXX
Bing also allows regex searches without any special operators. For example:
- “[a-zA-Z]{5}” – Matches any 5 letter word
- “hi|hello|hey” – Matches “hi” or “hello” or “hey”
- “\\b[a-z]+ing\\b” – Matches any word ending in “ing”
So regex can be used to match very specific patterns across these search engines.
Using regex in code searching
Regex is also extremely powerful for code searching. Here are some examples:
Searching in files
Tools like grep, ack, The Silver Searcher support regex to search text files. Some examples:
- grep “[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}” – Search for phone numbers
- ack “\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}” – Search for dates
- ag “^import [a-z]+” – Search for import statements
Searching code repositories
Most code hosting services like GitHub and GitLab allow regex searches. For example:
- “[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}” – Search for IP addresses
- “\\b(string|int|boolean)\\b” – Search for data types
- “\s*console.log\(.*\)” – Search for console.log statements
Searching IDEs/editors
Regex is also supported in finds/searches within IDEs/code editors like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Vim, etc. For example:
- “[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][a-z]+” – Find CamelCase words
- “\<(div|span|p)\>” – Find HTML tags
- “#.+ ” – Find lines starting with # comments
Best practices for regex search
When using regex for searching, follow these best practices:
- Start simple – Begin with a simple literal search before using complex regex.
- Use online testers – Test regex queries in online regex testers before using in search.
- Comments explain regex – Add comments explaining complex regex.
- Regex libraries – Use regex libraries like regex101 instead of writing from scratch.
- Optimize regex – Use tools like regexper to visualize and optimize regex.
- Validate matches – Review search results to validate regex is matching intended targets.
Following best practices will improve regex search relevancy, performance, maintainability and results.
Regex use cases
Here are some common use cases where regex shines for search:
- Searching for patterns, like phone numbers, emails, URLs
- Validating input formats matches expected patterns
- Extracting specific text fragments that match a pattern
- Find and replace text matches
- Scrape data from text or documents
- Parse and analyze log files
- Match software identifiers like IDs, keys, hashes
- Search code for patterns like function signatures, data types
Regex is extremely versatile for matching text patterns. It can help search engines, applications, systems and developers find exactly the matches they need.
Regex is an extremely powerful tool for matching text patterns. Major search engines like Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo support regex search queries to match very specific results. Regex is invaluable for code searching and parsing with CLI tools, IDEs and code repositories. Following best practices for creating and validating regex leads to more maintainable and optimized regex queries. Regex shines in many use cases from search to input validation and data parsing. Learn regular expressions to take your searching and text matching to an expert level!