Quick Answer
Sending a personalized note when connecting with someone on LinkedIn is recommended. A note helps provide context for the connection request and makes it more likely the recipient will accept. The note doesn’t need to be long, just a quick introduction or explanation of why you want to connect.
Should You Send a Note When Connecting on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is built around making connections and growing your professional network. When sending a connection request to someone you don’t know well (or at all), including a customized note is strongly encouraged. Here are some key reasons why:
It Provides Context
Without any context, a connection request can seem random, strange, or even suspicious. Including a short personalized note tells the recipient who you are and why you want to connect on LinkedIn. This helps them understand the purpose for the request and makes them more likely to accept it.
It’s More Personal
A generic connection request is easy to ignore or decline. But a personalized note shows you actually took the time to write out a custom message. This extra effort makes the request stand out and demonstrates your sincere interest in connecting with the specific individual.
It Explains How You Know Them
Especially when connecting with someone you don’t know well, a note can be used to briefly explain where you met them, how you know them, or your specific interest in their background. This jogs their memory and provides helpful context.
It Makes You Look More Professional
Including a personalized note reflects well on you and your communication skills. It shows you want to build relationships in a thoughtful way, not just connect randomly with strangers. Taking this extra step makes you look more professional.
How Long Should Your LinkedIn Connection Note Be?
The note you include when sending a LinkedIn connection request should be short and to the point. Here are some tips on length:
– 1-2 sentences is optimal
-Aim for 20-50 words
-Err on the side of brevity rather than a long note
-Avoid generic messages that could be sent to anyone
The goal is to provide just enough context in as few words as possible. You want the recipient to easily grasp who you are and why you want to connect. Long notes can feel overbearing so try to keep it concise.
What Should You Include in a LinkedIn Connection Note?
The content of your note will vary depending on how well you know the person, but some elements to consider including:
– A quick self-introduction if you’ve never met
– How you know the person or where you met them
– Any common connections you share
– Your specific interest in their experience or background
– A relevant event, group, or conversation you recently had
– Project or professional interest you have in common
The tone should be casual and friendly. Avoid asking for favors or making demands. The note is about opening the door to future conversations, not getting something from them immediately.
LinkedIn Connection Note Examples
Here are some example templates of effective notes to send when connecting on LinkedIn:
If you’ve met in person:
“Hi [name], it was great meeting you at [event] last month. I enjoyed our conversation about [topic]. I’d love to connect on LinkedIn to help grow our professional networks.”
If you have a common connection:
“Hi [name], [mutual connection] suggested I connect with you. As a fellow [industry/experience] professional, I think we could have great conversations. I look forward to connecting!”
If you have common interests/experiences:
“Hi [name], I noticed you have experience in [area] and were also involved in [organization, school, etc.]. I have similar [interests, experiences, goals] and would enjoy connecting.”
After meeting someone new:
“It was a pleasure meeting you today! I enjoyed learning more about your background in [industry]. Let’s connect here on LinkedIn to continue the conversation.”
Should You Accept LinkedIn Connections Without Notes?
If you receive a LinkedIn connection request without any note, you can go either way in accepting it. Some common approaches include:
– Accepting after reviewing their profile and seeing you have a connection
– Ignore generic requests from people you don’t know
– Ask for context by replying before accepting
– Accept selectively if you aren’t sure who they are
The lack of personalization may signal the person is just trying to grow their connections. But if you can identify the person and think you could mutually benefit from connecting, go ahead and accept the request.
There are also settings allowing you to automatically accept connection invites from certain LinkedIn members, like those who share the same employer or school. This eliminates the need for notes from those senders.
Can You Connect on LinkedIn Without a Note?
It is possible to connect with someone on LinkedIn without sending an initial note. Some cases where it may be appropriate to connect directly without a note include:
– The person explicitly says to connect with them on LinkedIn during a conversation
– You have an established relationship offline where the reason for connecting is clear
– The person has their settings configured to accept all connection invites
– You share membership in a common small alumni/industry/interest group
However, a note is still encouraged in most situations when connecting with new people online. The only exception would be if you already know the individual well and have a clear context.
Is a LinkedIn Connection Request Too Impersonal Without a Note?
In most cases, yes – sending a LinkedIn connection request without a note is too impersonal. Some of the risks include:
– The recipient may not remember who you are
– They may be confused why you want to connect
– It may come across as lazy or spammy
– Lack of personalization decreases the chance they will accept
Unless you have an obvious existing relationship offline, take the time to customize the request with a quick note. It demonstrates extra thought and care that will be reflected in the way the recipient responds to your outreach.
Personalizing connection requests with a customized note is considered a LinkedIn best practice for good reason. The extra effort shows you want to create relationships, not just connect randomly or artificially inflate your numbers. Crafting an introductory note that provides professional context allows the recipient to instantly understand who you are and why you want to connect. This thoughtful approach leads to higher acceptance rates and sets the stage for more fruitful conversations down the road.