Networking is an important part of building relationships and making connections that can lead to career opportunities, business deals, finding mentors, and more. While networking sometimes gets a bad reputation for being all about using people, when done authentically, it can be an invaluable way to build your community. There are many benefits that come from networking if you do it strategically and with the right mindset.
1. Gain New Perspectives
One of the greatest benefits of networking is that it exposes you to new people from different backgrounds who can offer fresh perspectives. We all get stuck in our own bubbles and circles, surrounded by people who think similarly. Networking gives you the chance to get insight from people you otherwise wouldn’t meet. This outside perspective can be invaluable for solving problems, sparking innovation, or seeing the world differently.
By networking with people in different industries, roles, geographic locations, age groups, and socioeconomic backgrounds, you gain wisdom from their diverse viewpoints and experiences. Their input, ideas, and critiques can help you see your own work and thinking from a new angle. This outside perspective can inspire creativity, uncover blind spots in your thinking, and challenge your assumptions. Networking expands your worldview – which is critical for professional and personal growth.
Ways to Gain New Perspectives from Networking
- Attend conferences and events outside your niche industry – the cross-pollination of ideas can spark innovation
- Have coffee chats with acquaintances simply to learn about what they do
- Follow thought leaders in other disciplines on social media
- Join a professional association outside your field
- Interview someone in a role you don’t know much about
2. Find Mentors and Sponsors
Another benefit of networking is that it allows you to find mentors and sponsors who can help you develop your skills and move ahead in your career. A mentor is someone more experienced who can provide advice, insight, and guidance to help you grow professionally. They take an interest in your career development and want to see you succeed. Mentors can give feedback on your ideas, connect you with key contacts, and help you navigate your industry or organization. The insights they share from their own experience are invaluable.
Sponsors are similar to mentors, but take their support one step further by actively advocating for you. Sponsors put your name forward for promotions, make introductions to senior leaders, and give you visibility for key projects or assignments. They use their influence to help you advance. Mentors and sponsors provide an insider edge that helps you climb the career ladder faster.
Ways Networking Can Lead to Mentors and Sponsors
- Choose industry events strategically to connect with company leaders
- Build relationships over time by regularly keeping in touch
- Clearly communicate your career goals and ask experienced contacts for advice
- Approach leaders you admire to take them for coffee and ask them questions
- Once a mentorship develops, don’t be shy to ask for introductions or recommendations
3. Build Your Professional Brand
Networking is also essential for building your personal brand. The people you meet and the impression you make shapes how others perceive you in your industry. By getting out there and actively networking, you increase your visibility and develop your reputation. Each interaction is an opportunity to showcase your expertise, talents, and skills. Over time, the professional connections you make through networking help establish your brand and name recognition.
Your brand encompasses who you are, what you’re skilled at, and how you add value. Networking gives you a platform to define your brand identity. Tell your story confidently and authentically. Be prepared with an introduction that summarizes who you are, what you do, and your competitive advantage. Make it memorable. With a polished presence and compelling brand, you’ll become known as a thought leader and subject matter expert.
Ways Networking Can Boost Your Brand
- Craft a 30 second elevator pitch that shares your value proposition
- Prepare examples that showcase your accomplishments and expertise
- Speak at industry conferences and events to build your reputation
- Share insights and thought leadership content on social media
- Collect recommendations and testimonials that reinforce your brand
4. Uncover Hidden Opportunities
The connections made through networking can uncover “hidden” opportunities that aren’t publicly posted. The vast majority of jobs and coveted projects are never formally advertised. Instead, they are filled quietly through someone’s network. Employers often prefer to pursue referrals from people they trust rather than post openings publicly.
Networking increases the chances that you will be top of mind for opportunities that arise. The people you meet can tap you for jobs at their company, recommend you for roles in their network, or suggest you for special assignments. You may also hear about start-up ventures seeking partners or be asked to collaborate on projects. With an expansive network, you have insider access to a “hidden job market” that others don’t even realize exists.
Ways Networking Reveals Hidden Opportunities
- Let contacts know the types of opportunities you seek so they can connect you
- Ask for informational interviews to learn about projects at the beginning stages
- Join communities and associations where you can build relationships over time
- Find out who the decision makers are and get on their radar
- Check in regularly with your network to stay top of mind
Networking provides endless possibilities when done strategically and with genuineness. Taking the time to build connections can reap significant rewards for your career. You gain exposure to new perspectives, find mentors and sponsors, elevate your brand, and uncover hidden opportunities. Approach networking as a way to build relationships, not just advance yourself. The more you can offer value to others, the more it will come back to benefit you.