LinkedIn recruiter assessment for Excel is a test designed by LinkedIn to evaluate a candidate’s skills and proficiency in using Microsoft Excel. It aims to measure how well a person can complete tasks and solve problems using Excel features and formulas. The assessment focuses on skills like data analysis, data visualization, and data manipulation that are required for various finance, accounting, and data analytics roles.
What does the assessment consist of?
The LinkedIn Excel assessment typically consists of around 25-30 questions that are to be answered within 30-35 minutes. The questions are multiple choice, true/false, or drop down based and test skills such as:
- Entering and manipulating data in worksheets
- Formatting cells, rows, and tables
- Using basic Excel formulas and functions like SUM, AVERAGE, VLOOKUP, etc.
- Analyzing and visualizing data using charts and graphs
- Managing and organizing worksheets, workbooks, and tables
- Sorting and filtering data
The questions are scenario-based and relate to real-world use cases of Excel. They test your logical thinking and ability to choose the right Excel features or formulas to accomplish tasks. The difficulty level of the questions varies from basic to intermediate.
What skills are evaluated in the assessment?
Here are some of the major skills evaluated in the LinkedIn Excel assessment:
- Data entry and formatting – Add, delete, copy, cut, paste data and text in cells. Format cells, rows, columns, and tables.
- Formulas and functions – Use arithmetic, statistical, logical, lookup and reference Excel functions like SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, VLOOKUP, etc.
- Data analysis – Sort, filter, validate data. Understand pivot tables and data consolidation.
- Data visualization – Create appropriate charts and graphs like bar charts, line charts, pie charts etc.
- Workbook management – Navigate through worksheets. Add, delete, duplicate, hide worksheets.
- Logic and problem-solving – Use Excel tools and test analytical skills for problem-solving.
What’s the passing score for assessment?
LinkedIn does not reveal the exact passing score for the Excel assessment but it is generally understood to be around 70-80% correct answers. The score also depends on the difficulty level of the questions answered correctly. Even with a high score, it is advisable to brush up on Excel skills since a recruiter may want to test you on more complex tasks during interviews.
What’s the time limit for the test?
The LinkedIn Excel skills assessment has a time limit of 30-35 minutes which must be completed once you start the test. It is important to work quickly yet accurately so solve as many questions as possible within the given time limit.
How to prepare for the LinkedIn Excel test?
Here are some tips to prepare for the LinkedIn Excel assessment:
- Practice sample tests to understand the format and difficulty level of questions.
- Brush up core Excel skills like formulas, functions, formatting, data analysis.
- Work on your speed to complete Excel tasks efficiently.
- Review charts, pivot tables, sorting, and filtering features.
- Take courses on LinkedIn Learning related to Excel to refresh skills.
- Learn keyboard shortcuts in Excel to save time during the test.
Practice keeping time while solving practice tests
As the actual test has a strict time limit, it is important to practice sample tests within a given time frame. Try to simulate test conditions by restricting yourself to 30-35 mins and solving as many questions as you can accurately in that duration. This will help improve your speed and familiarize you with the time pressure.
Why is Excel assessment important for recruitment?
Excel skills are considered imperative for certain roles in finance, accounting, analytics, and administration. Assessing candidates’ Excel proficiency through online tests helps recruiters in several ways:
- Filters candidates who meet the required skill level in Excel
- Saves recruiter time and effort over manual evaluation of Excel skills
- Objectively evaluates and compares candidates on the same standards
- Checks skills beyond what is mentioned in resumes
- Assessments can be customized to the required job role
Overall, the LinkedIn Excel test provides an efficient and reliable way for recruiters to validate the Excel abilities of multiple applicants during hiring.
What are the key topics to focus on?
Based on the LinkedIn Excel assessment format and question types, here are some key topics to focus your preparation efforts on:
- Excel formulas and functions: SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, COUNT, COUNTA, ABS, ROUND, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH etc.
- Logical and text functions: IF, AND, OR, NOT, LEN, FIND, LEFT, RIGHT, MID, CONCATENATE
- Data manipulation: Sorting, filtering, removing duplicates
- Charts and graphs: Column, bar, line, pie charts. Selecting right chart type.
- Pivot tables and pivot charts
- Data validation and auditing
- Workbook management: Insert, rename, copy, delete, hide worksheets
- Keyboard shortcuts for efficiency
Mastering these Excel skills and being able to apply them to solve problems quickly will help you succeed in the assessment.
What score is considered passing?
Though LinkedIn does not disclose the exact passing score, aiming for 70% and above right answers is a safe target. The score also factors in the difficulty level of questions solved correctly. Typically, getting 18-20 out of 25 questions (70-80%) right is considered a good score.
How long are assessment results valid?
LinkedIn Excel assessment results are generally valid for one year from the test date. After a year, you may have to retake the test if you are applying for a new job opportunity. However, some employers may consider your score to be valid for longer than 1 year based on their hiring policies.
Can you retake the assessment if you fail?
If you fail to achieve the minimum passing score, you can retake the LinkedIn Excel assessment after a cooldown period. A waiting period of at least 3 months is required before retaking the test. This is to prevent candidates from taking the test repeatedly and memorizing questions to pass. Proper skill building is recommended before attempting the test again.
How to add LinkedIn skill assessment on profile
Once you pass the LinkedIn Excel skills assessment, you can feature it directly on your LinkedIn profile to highlight your Excel proficiency to recruiters:
- Go to your LinkedIn Profile and click Add profile section
- Select Licenses & Certifications from the list
- Click on Enter certification details and fill the info
- Choose the correct test from the Type of Certification dropdown
- Enter the date when you passed the test
- Click Save
The LinkedIn assessment will now be shown under your Licenses & Certifications section.
How to prepare at the last minute before taking the test?
If you have an upcoming LinkedIn Excel test scheduled in a short time, here are some last minute preparation tips:
- Look at key Excel formulas and functions flashcards
- Review pivot tables, charts and graphs features
- Take a sample test timed to simulate actual test conditions
- Ensure you know how to use commenting, sorting, filtering in Excel
- Check shortcuts for efficiency: keyboard shortcuts, ribbon minimize etc.
- Review data validation and auditing tools
- Stay calm and focused during the test
Avoid trying to learn new concepts at the last minute. Stick to revising concepts you already know well within the limited time.
The LinkedIn Excel skills assessment is an important test for finance and data professionals to showcase Excel proficiency. Understanding the test format, covered skills, difficulty level, time limits and scoring approach is essential for effective preparation. Regular practice of Excel alongside reviewing sample tests will help build speed and accuracy. With robust Excel skills and some smart preparation tips, it is possible to successfully clear the LinkedIn Excel assessment and accelerate your job prospects.