Having an attractive and professional LinkedIn profile picture is crucial for making a good first impression on potential employers and connections. With over 600 million users on LinkedIn, standing out from the crowd with a high-quality headshot gives you a competitive edge. But what is the best pose to use for your LinkedIn profile picture?
Should you smile or look serious?
This is one of the most common questions when selecting a LinkedIn photo pose. There are pros and cons to both smiling and more serious expressions.
Smiling makes you look more approachable, friendly and enthusiastic. Studies show that people perceive smiling individuals as more likable, trustworthy and competent. A warm smile in your profile picture creates an inviting first impression for viewers.
However, some professional coaches argue that not smiling makes you appear more serious, thoughtful and focused on your career. A more neutral facial expression can convey professionalism and gravitas.
Overall, most experts recommend smiling lightly in your LinkedIn profile picture. A subtle, closed-mouth smile balances professionalism with approachability. It creates a positive first impression without seeming overly casual.
Tips for an effective smiling photo
- Smile naturally instead of forcing an overly wide grin.
- Avoid showing too much teeth.
- Direct your smile towards the camera for good eye contact.
- Relax your face – no clenched jaws or unnatural expressions.
- Exude confidence and approachability, not intensity.
Should you look at the camera directly?
Maintaining good eye contact by looking directly at the camera lens is recommended for LinkedIn photos. It creates a sense of engagement and confidence.
Avoid glancing off-camera or focusing your gaze elsewhere. Direct eye contact makes you appear more trustworthy and authoritative. It also helps connect visually with the viewer.
However, if direct eye contact feels unnatural to you, a slight off-center gaze can look fine too. The most important thing is to avoid staring blankly or appearing distracted.
Tips for great eye contact
- Look directly into the camera lens.
- Focus your eyes and gaze – no darting around.
- Visualize connecting with the viewer.
- A slightly off-center gaze is okay too.
- Avoid staring vacantly – stay engaged.
Should you tilt your head at all?
A slight head tilt in a LinkedIn profile photo can help add visual interest and dimension. But avoid tilting your head too far, as it can come across as unnatural or odd.
Tilting your head slightly (no more than about 10-15 degrees) to either side can make your photo more compelling. But stay aware of how the tilt aligns with your gaze direction. You generally don’t want to tilt and look in opposite directions.
A subtle head tilt paired with direct eye contact and a natural smile helps add life to your profile picture. But too much head tilt can make you appear distracted or uncomfortable.
Tips for effective head tilting
- Tilt your head no more than 10-15 degrees.
- Tilt in the same direction as your gaze and smile.
- Avoid any stiff, unnatural tilting.
- Keep your chin level – no tilting up or down.
- Make sure both ears are visible, not covered.
Should your head be level or tilted slightly up or down?
Keep your head and chin level in your LinkedIn profile picture. Tilting your chin down or up distorts your face and looks off-putting.
Tilting your chin down makes your face look shorter and distorts your proportions. It can also appear if you lack confidence.
Tilting your chin up elongates your face unnaturally and can give you an arrogant or aloof look.
By keeping your chin level and your head upright, you convey poise and professionalism. The camera captures your face dimensions accurately.
Tips for proper head/chin positioning
- No tilting your chin down towards your chest.
- Avoid tilting your chin sharply up towards the ceiling.
- Imagine a straight line from your earlobe through your shoulder.
- Check the mirror to ensure your chin is level.
- Ask the photographer for help positioning your head neutrally.
Should you use a serious or cheerful expression?
Most experts recommend a pleasant, cheerful expression for LinkedIn profile photos. A smile makes you look more approachable, likable and engaging to viewers.
A serious or neutral expression can suggest you lack warmth or enthusiasm. It may give an unintentionally negative impression, even if that is not your intent.
However, don’t force an overly wide or intense grin. A natural, subtle smile looks best for the professional context of LinkedIn.
A slightly closed-mouth smile hits the right balance of showing positive energy without seeming overly casual. Avoid smiling with visible teeth.
Tips for an appropriate expression
- Smile lightly with lips gently closed together.
- Focus your eyes on the camera for an engaged look.
- Convey approachability, confidence and positivity.
- Avoid a flat, emotionless stare.
- Don’t clench your face or show too much teeth.
Should you wear makeup or edit blemishes?
Light makeup can help you look your professional best in a LinkedIn photo. But avoid overdoing it with an excessive made-up look.
For women, lightly applied makeup that looks natural is recommended. Concealer, mascara and lip gloss or tint can help highlight your features appropriately.
Men generally look best with no makeup at all. Just make sure to groom your hair and check for any stray eyebrows, nose hairs, etc.
Light photo editing to minimize blemishes and shine is acceptable too. But don’t overdo skin smoothing or you may look strangely artificial.
Tips for appropriate grooming
- Women: light makeup for a natural professional look.
- Men: groom your hair and facial hair neatly.
- Use concealer and powder to minimize shine/blemishes.
- Don’t over-retouch your photos or remove normal skin texture.
- Make sure any editing looks believable and natural.
Should you wear glasses or remove them?
If you normally wear glasses or contacts, choose whichever you feel shows you at your best in photos. Both glasses and no glasses can work well.
Glasses can lend a scholarly, intellectual look. Frames styled appropriately for your industry and role project professionalism.
Going without glasses minimizes potential glare on lenses that can obscure your eyes. It also allows people to see your face most clearly.
The key is to avoid heavy shadows or reflections on eyeglasses that could dominate your face in photos. Position lighting carefully if wearing glasses.
Tips for wearing glasses
- Choose stylish, professional frames suited to your industry.
- Check for glare on lenses that obscures eyes.
- Tilt glasses down slightly to reveal more of your eyes.
- Remove glasses for no-glare look if you prefer contacts.
- Position lighting to avoid heavy reflections.
Should you wear a suit, dress professionally or casually?
Dress professionally for your LinkedIn profile photo, but don’t feel you need to wear a full suit unless required in your industry. Business casual is appropriate for most contexts.
Wear attire that projects confidence and aligns with your professional brand. Solid colors and well-fitting clothes look best on camera.
Casualwear like t-shirts or jeans tend to undermine perceptions of competence and authority. Stick to a business casual or formal look.
Your clothing and styling in your profile photo should match your typical work attire. Viewers will expect to see you looking consistent in person if they meet you.
Tips for appropriate attire
- Avoid casualwear like jeans, t-shirts, shorts or tank tops.
- Wear sharp, well-fitting business casual or formal clothes.
- Project professionalism and competence with your styling.
- Match your typical work wardrobe for consistency.
- Solid colors photograph better than busy patterns or prints.
Should you include props like a laptop, books, etc?
In most cases, avoid props like laptops, books, or other work items in your LinkedIn profile photo. The focus should be kept directly on you and your facial expression.
Exceptions can be made if you wish to showcase relevant objects closely associated with your professional skills and achievements. But use props sparingly and strategically.
For example, an engineer could include a calculator or technical tools subtly in the frame. An author might display a book they wrote. But don’t let props dominate or distract from you.
In general, keep props minimal or nonexistent. You want viewers focusing on your confidence, likability and professionalism as conveyed through your face, smile and styling.
Tips for using props
- Avoid random, generic props like coffee cups or laptops.
- Only include props directly relevant to your profession if desired.
- Make sure props don’t distract from you as the main focus.
- Strategically reinforce your professional skills and achievements.
- Keep props minimal, subtle and innocuous.
Should the background be professional or personalised?
Use a neutral or professional background for your LinkedIn profile picture. While personalization can be good, avoid anything too cluttered or informal.
A solid wall, curtains or plants/greenery create an appealing but neutral backdrop that keeps focus on you. Textured backgrounds work better than plain white walls.
For some, an office setting related to their profession can project authority and expertise. But make sure your background is tidy and free of visual distractions.
Avoid “selfie” style casual backgrounds or anything potentially unprofessional. Remember your career reputation is at stake.
Tips for effective backgrounds
- Solid walls, curtains, greenery or office settings work well.
- Avoid cluttered or distracting backgrounds.
- Neutral and professional is ideal.
- Textured is better than plain white.
- Frame yourself from mid-chest up.
Should you crop closely or use wider framing?
Frame your LinkedIn profile photo relatively close to your face for optimal impact. Wider shots or full body pictures tend to minimize facial details.
Tighter cropping allows viewers to clearly see your smile, expression, eye contact and other facial cues important for first impressions. Framing from the mid-chest up generally works best.
But avoid cropping so tightly that parts of your neck or hair are cut out of the frame. Leave some space around your head and shoulders.
Wider shots can work for some contexts, but make sure your facial features remain clearly visible. The closer the image, the more your engaging smile will register.
Tips for effective cropping
- Frame photo from mid-chest or shoulders up.
- Leave some space around your head/hair.
- Crop out distracting arms or hands if needed.
- Keep your face/shoulders clearly visible.
- Avoid cropping out hair or chin.
Should you position your body straight or at an angle?
A straight on body position is recommended for LinkedIn profile pictures. Keep your chest and shoulders squarely facing the camera for a professional stance.
Angling your body or turning the torso/head creates a more informal vibe. While that can work for some personal contexts, it tends to undermine authority and expertise.
Face the camera directly with open body language. Avoid crossing your arms or otherwise closing yourself off. Project poise and approachability through your posture.
A simple, straight on framing allows you to make direct eye contact. It focuses viewer attention on your engaging facial expression.
Tips for optimal body positioning
- Face the camera straight on, no body or head turning.
- Keep your chest and shoulders aligned with photo frame.
- Avoid crossing arms or hunching over.
- Convey confidence through open, upright posture.
- Direct your smile and eye contact straight ahead.
Examples of ideal LinkedIn photo poses
Here are examples that demonstrate effective poses and positioning for LinkedIn profile pictures:
Do | Don’t |
Your LinkedIn profile picture is your chance to make a great first impression. Follow these tips to showcase yourself as an engaging, likable and professional contact that people will want to connect with and do business with.
Specifically, use these best practices for your pose and framing:
- Smile lightly while maintaining eye contact.
- Angle your body straight at the camera.
- Wear business casual or professional attire.
- Frame closely from mid-chest up.
- Use a simple solid or office background.
With an excellent profile photo that displays confidence and approachability, you’ll be sure to stand out from the crowd on LinkedIn.