LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 810 million members worldwide. LinkedIn members use the platform to network, look for jobs, share content, and more. One of the most useful features on LinkedIn is job alerts, which allow users to get notifications about new job postings that match their search criteria and preferences. But an important question many LinkedIn users have is – can people see the job alerts I created?
The short answer is no, other users cannot see the job alerts you have set up on LinkedIn. Job alerts are private and are only visible to you as the creator. When you create a job alert on LinkedIn, you are telling their system to watch for new jobs that match your parameters and to then send you notifications. But these alerts are not public and LinkedIn does not share the details of your alerts with other users.
Why Job Alerts are Private on LinkedIn
There are a few key reasons why LinkedIn keeps job alerts private:
- User privacy – Keeping job alerts private protects the privacy of LinkedIn members. Many people don’t want others knowing what types of jobs or companies they are interested in.
- Prevent unwanted solicitation – If job alerts were public, recruiters and sales people may use that info to target members with unsolicited messages and job offers. Keeping alerts private prevents this unwanted solicitation.
- Security – Public job alerts could open up potential security risks, like phishing attacks. Keeping them private adds a layer of security.
- Reduced noise – Public alerts would clutter up the LinkedIn platform with everyone’s alerts. It keeps things more organized to only show them privately to the user.
Overall, while you can’t see other people’s alerts, they also can’t see yours. This keeps the focus on privacy and reducing noise on the platform.
Who Can See Your LinkedIn Job Alerts?
Since LinkedIn job alerts are private, the only person that can see your specific job alerts is you as the creator. Other LinkedIn members will not get any indication that you have set up job alerts. Your connections, network, and recruiters will not be aware of your alerts.
However, there are a few rare cases where someone may get visibility into your alerts indirectly:
- LinkedIn employees – LinkedIn staff may have admin access to job alerts as they maintain the platform, but they should maintain confidentiality.
- Account owner – If you allow someone else access to your LinkedIn account, they could potentially see your alerts by logging in as you.
- Employer account – Some employers have premium LinkedIn accounts that aggregate data on employees. They may be able to see anonymized and aggregated alert data.
But in most normal cases, your job alerts will never be seen by anyone else besides you. You have complete privacy over the types of jobs you are interested in.
How to Use Private Job Alerts to Your Benefit
The fact that job alerts are private and confidential allows you to use them strategically in your job search without worrying about others seeing them. Here are some ways to benefit:
- Apply selectively – You can set highly targeted alerts for your dream companies or positions without signaling to others that you are interested in leaving your current job.
- Research competitors – Set alerts for key competitors to keep tabs on their job postings and activities without them knowing.
- Discreet search – If you are casually exploring new roles, you can privately search and get alerts without initiating a public job search.
- Broaden options – Since alerts are private, you can set broad alerts to discover new industries and roles you may enjoy without signaling a major career change.
The privacy component of LinkedIn job alerts gives you significant strategic flexibility. Take advantage by being comprehensive in the alerts you set to uncover the best opportunities.
How Setting Job Alerts Appears to Others
Since job alerts are only visible privately to the account holder, setting up alerts does not make any public declaration to your network on LinkedIn. There is no indication on your profile or to your connections that you have configured job alerts. You can search and set up alerts with total discretion.
However, there are some public signals that could suggest someone has created alerts:
- Profile views – If you view inside a company page or look at jobs, it can show up as a profile view to that company’s HR admins.
- Search appearance – Conducting frequent job searches may suggest you have alerts set, but the specifics will be private.
- Timing – If every Monday you have job views from new listings, it may indicate you have a weekly alert configured.
But none of these signals explicitly expose the actual job alerts you have set. The details and specifics remain fully confidential to you as the user.
Pro Tips for Setting Effective Job Alerts
Here are some pro tips to make sure you are setting up job alerts in an effective way on LinkedIn:
- Customize frequency – Choose how often you want alerts sent like daily, weekly, or monthly so you get a manageable number of notifications.
- Use precise keywords – Tune your keywords and filters so the alerts are highly targeted to roles you want.
- Include locations – Make sure to set your location(s) of interest so you only see relevant opportunities.
- Review regularly – Check in on your alerts over time to fine tune and adjust them as your search evolves.
- Use Saved Search – You can also do advanced job searches and then save them to get the same alerts as setting up individually.
The more specific and customized you make your job alerts on LinkedIn, the better and more useful results you will get from the alerts you receive.
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about LinkedIn job alerts:
Can my connections see my job alerts?
No, your connections cannot see your job alerts or get any notification that you have configured alerts. Alerts are 100% private on LinkedIn.
Can companies whose jobs I am tracking see my alert?
No, companies will not get any indication that you set up a job alert for their postings. This info remains confidential to you.
Once I accept a job, will my alerts stop automatically?
No, accepting a job offer will not automatically disable your alerts. You will need to manually deactivate them when desired.
Can I set alerts for jobs requiring a security clearance?
Yes, you can set up job alerts using any criteria, even those requiring a security clearance. The alerts will function the same private way.
Are job alerts available on the LinkedIn mobile app too?
Yes, you can fully configure and manage job alerts through both the desktop LinkedIn site as well as their mobile apps for iOS and Android.
LinkedIn job alerts are a great way to get automated notifications about new job listings that interest you. But an important aspect about alerts is that they are completely confidential – other users cannot see the details of the alerts you set. This allows you to strategically search for jobs and get alerts without signaling to employers or connections that you are looking. Overall, job alerts are a powerful private tool to take control of your job search and uncover the best opportunities on LinkedIn.