LinkedIn has become an invaluable tool for networking and making professional connections. With over 722 million users worldwide, it’s no surprise that LinkedIn profiles get a lot of views. This raises an important question – can someone see if you’ve viewed their LinkedIn profile multiple times?
The Short Answer
Yes, LinkedIn does allow users to see who has viewed their profile multiple times. However, this feature is limited to paid LinkedIn Premium subscribers. Those with free accounts are unable to see if the same person has viewed their profile more than once.
How LinkedIn Shows Profile Views
When someone views your LinkedIn profile, it will show up under the “Who’s viewed your profile” section on your homepage. This section lists the names and positions of people who have recently viewed your profile.
LinkedIn Premium accounts have access to additional analytics with their profile views:
- Number of profile views in the past 90 days
- Locations of viewers
- Industries and seniority levels of viewers
- Companies of viewers
- Historical data to analyze trends over time
This expanded view allows Premium users to see the names of people who have viewed their profile multiple times within a 90 day period.
Who Can See Your LinkedIn Profile Views?
There are 3 different account types on LinkedIn:
- Basic (free)
- Premium (paid)
- Recruiter (paid premium for recruiters)
Here’s a breakdown of what each account type can see:
Account Type | Can See Who Viewed Profile | Can See Who Viewed Multiple Times |
Basic | No | No |
Premium | Yes | Yes |
Recruiter | Yes | Yes |
As you can see, only Premium and Recruiter accounts are able to see the names of viewers and identify repeat profile views.
How to Check Who’s Viewed You on LinkedIn
If you have a Premium account, here are simple steps for checking profile viewers:
- Go to your LinkedIn homepage
- Look for the “Who’s viewed your profile” section
- Click “See all”
- This will show viewer analytics for the past 90 days
- Scan the list of names to see if any have viewed you multiple times
You can also filter by time period in the profile view analytics to analyze trends over weeks, months, and years.
Limitations of LinkedIn Viewer Data
While Premium accounts provide more insight into profile views, there are some limitations to consider:
- You can only see the last 90 days of data
- Names are shown, but no timestamps of when they viewed you
- The data may not identify every single view if someone views infrequently
- Viewers can choose to be anonymous and won’t show up at all
So while Premium definitely gives you an advantage, the data will not be perfect. You get a general sense of who has viewed you and repeat views, but not exact details.
Why You Can’t See Anonymous Viewers
LinkedIn gives users the option to browse anonymously in “private mode”. When this setting is enabled, your views of other profiles will not show up in their viewer analytics. This gives users more privacy if they want to view profiles without others seeing.
Anonymous private browsing is available to all account types – free or paid. So even Premium users will not be able to identify every profile viewer if they have opted for private mode.
How to Browse LinkedIn Anonymously
As a LinkedIn user, you also have the ability to be anonymous. Here’s how to enable it:
- Click on your profile image in the top right
- Select “View profile as…” from the dropdown menu
- Choose “Private mode”
This will make your browsing untraceable. Your views will not show up to other users while private mode is turned on.
Pro Tips for Managing Profile Views
Here are some tips for both viewing profiles and managing your own profile views discreetly:
- Use private mode if you want to browse without others seeing
- Avoid repeatedly viewing someone’s profile if you want to be anonymous
- Disable notifications to hide when you view someone’s profile
- Remember your own viewers may include anonymous or infrequent views too
- Don’t assume a high number of profile views is always a positive thing
At the end of the day, LinkedIn profile views can be a bit ambiguous. While Premium accounts provide more analytics, it will never paint the full picture of who views your profile and how often.
The best approach is to use viewer data judiciously in tandem with other signals to manage your professional brand and presence. With the right norms and privacy settings, profile views can enhance your LinkedIn networking without being invasive.