The icons next to LinkedIn messages indicate the status of the message and how it was sent or received. There are several common message icons on LinkedIn that users may see.
Sent Message Icon
A sent message icon looks like an arrow pointing to the right. This indicates that you sent the message to another LinkedIn member. The sent icon lets you know the message was delivered from your account.
Received Message Icon
A received message icon looks like an arrow pointing to the left. This tells you that another LinkedIn member sent you this message. The received icon confirms you got the message in your inbox from someone else.
Unread Message Icon
An unread message shows a closed envelope icon next to it. This means you have not yet opened or read that particular message. Once you view the message, the closed envelope goes away and it becomes a read message.
Read Message Icon
A read message displays an open envelope icon. This indicates you already opened the message and viewed its contents. LinkedIn marks it as read to help you track which messages are new and unread.
Replied Message Icon
When you reply to a message thread, a double arrow icon appears. One arrow points left for the received message, another arrow points right for your reply. This icon tells you that you responded to that message thread.
Forwarded Message Icon
If you forward a LinkedIn message to another contact, a double arrow icon appears again. But this time one arrow curves to the right indicating the message was forwarded to someone else.
Failed Message Icon
A failed message shows an X icon. This means your message did not go through and was not successfully delivered. You may need to resend the message or double check that you entered the contact’s information correctly.
Pending Message Icon
A pending icon displays three bouncing dots while LinkedIn processes your message. This indicates your message is still sending and pending delivery to the recipient. Once delivered, it will display a sent icon.
Message Request Icon
If you receive a message from someone you are not connected to, the message request icon appears. You can choose to accept the message request to view the message or ignore it. Accepting the request also connects you to that member.
Removed Message Icon
If a message is removed from the conversation, a blank box icon with a diagonal line through it is shown. This indicates a message was deleted either by you or the other person.
Muted Message Icon
A muted or ignored message displays a mute icon to signify you muted notifications from that conversation. You won’t get notified when new messages arrive.
Message Seen Indicator
When someone views your message, a seen tag appears below the sent icon. This lets you know the recipient has opened and read your message on LinkedIn.
Message Count Badge
Unread messages display a red badge count on the messages icon. This alerts you that you have new messages waiting to be read. The number indicates how many unread messages you have.
Mobile Message Icons
On the LinkedIn mobile apps, the icons are slightly different but indicate the same message status types:
- Sent message – Right pointing arrow
- Received message – Left pointing arrow
- Read message – Rounded open envelope
- Unread message – Rounded closed envelope
- Replied message – Circled left and right arrow
- Forwarded message – Circled right arrow
- Failed message – X inside a circle
- Pending message – Dots inside a circle
Why Message Icons are Helpful
LinkedIn message icons provide visual cues that help users easily scan their inbox and see what requires attention. The icons allow you to:
- Quickly identify unread messages.
- See which messages you have already viewed.
- Tell if your message was successfully sent or failed.
- Track who you have replied to.
- Follow message requests from new connections.
- Spot muted conversations that you won’t be notified about.
Without message icons, you would have to open every message to determine its status. But the visual indicators save you time and display message status at a glance.
Message Icons on Other Platforms
Many social media and messaging platforms use similar types of icons to represent sent, received, read and unread messages. For example:
- Facebook Messenger uses delivered checks and read receipts to show message status.
- WhatsApp displays ticks to indicate sent, delivered, and read.
- Telegram uses checks for sent, received, and read.
- Slack shows different icons for sent, delivered, read, and replied messages.
So the concept of visual message indicators is common across sites and apps. LinkedIn adopts this standard system to provide message tracking at a glance.
Customizing Message Notifications
If desired, you can customize message notifications in your LinkedIn account settings. Options include:
- Turning email notifications on or off for new messages
- Enabling push notifications for new messages
- Choosing whether to receive notifications for message requests
- Muting all notifications from a message thread
Adjust these settings based on how often you want to be alerted about new messages. You can still see message icons when logged into LinkedIn regardless of your notification preferences.
Troubleshooting Message Issues
If messages fail to send properly, here are some things to check:
- Verify the contact’s LinkedIn profile exists and you entered their name correctly.
- Check your internet connection is stable.
- Restart the LinkedIn app if on mobile.
- Allow third party cookies in your browser settings.
- Try sending from a different device or web browser.
Also ensure you have the latest version of the LinkedIn app. Outdated apps may experience message glitches. Contact LinkedIn customer support if issues persist.
Key Takeaways
- Message icons in LinkedIn provide quick visual cues on status.
- Arrows, envelopes, badges, and other symbols indicate sent, read, unread, and more.
- Icons help you scan your inbox and see what needs attention.
- You can customize notifications and troubleshoot message failures.
- Understanding the icons saves you time and keeps you informed.
So in summary, LinkedIn’s system of message icons gives users an easy way to track the status of conversations at a glance. The visual indicators eliminate the need to open every message just to check if it was sent, read, or replied to. With icons providing message tracking cues, LinkedIn members can manage communications and keep up with their professional network more efficiently.